Settings file (
<?php # These values are used to identify and validate the account that you are using. They are mandatory. $gateway = ''; # This is the Nuvei payments gateway that you should use, assigned to the site by Nuvei. $terminalId = ''; # This is the Terminal ID assigned to the site by Nuvei. $currency = ''; # This is the 3 digit ISO currency code for the above Terminal ID. $secret = ''; # This shared secret is used when generating the hash validation strings. # It must be set exactly as it is in the Nuvei SelfCare system. $testAccount = true; $host = ''; #This should be your host eg. http://localhost:8000 # This should contain the URL of the receipt page and validation page $receiptPageURL = $host.''; $validationURL = $host.''; # These are used only in the case where the response hash is incorrect, which should # never happen in the live environment unless someone is attempting fraud. $adminEmail = ''; $adminPhone = ''; ?>
Payment page (nuvei_payment.php):
<?php # This is the file that contains the account settings for Nuvei. require(''); # This is a helper file for integrating to the Nuvei HPP in PHP. require(''); # These values are specific to the transaction. $orderId = ''; # This should be unique per transaction. $amount = ''; # This should include the decimal point. $secureCardMerchantRef = ''; # (mandatory in order to store card details) This should be a unique identifier for the card such as a DB id. $email = ''; # (optional) If this is sent then Nuvei will send a receipt to this e-mail address. $description = ''; # (optional) This can is a description for the transaction that will be available in the merchant notification e-mail and in the SelfCare system. $autoReady = ''; # (optional) Y or N. Automatically set the transaction to a status of Ready in the batch. If not present the terminal default will be used. $cardholderName = ''; # (optional) If the cardholders name is available it should be populated here. If so it will be pre-populated on the payment page. $address1 = ''; # (optional) This is the first line of the cardholders billing address. $address2 = ''; # (optional) This is the second line of the cardholders billing address. $postcode = ''; # (optional) This is the postcode of the cardholders billing address. $host = ''; # This should be your host eg. http://localhost:8000 $dateTime = requestDateTime(); $requestURL = $host.'/merchant/paymentpage'; # If there's no orderId set then generate a unique time-based order ID. if(!isset($orderId) || $orderId == '') $orderId = generateUniqueOrderId(); # ------ Add order to the local database here if using one ------ # Verification string $requestHash = authRequestHash($orderId, $amount, $dateTime); # Write the HTML of the submission form echo "<html><body><form id='nuveiform' action='" . $requestURL . "' method='post'>\n"; writeHiddenField("TERMINALID", $terminalId); writeHiddenField("CURRENCY", $currency); writeHiddenField("ORDERID", $orderId); writeHiddenField("SECURECARDMERCHANTREF", $secureCardMerchantRef); writeHiddenField("AMOUNT", $amount); writeHiddenField("DATETIME", $dateTime); if(isset($cardholderName) && $cardholderName != '') writeHiddenField("CARDHOLDERNAME", $cardholderName); if(isset($postcode) && $postcode != '') { writeHiddenField("ADDRESS1", $address1); writeHiddenField("ADDERSS2", $address2); writeHiddenField("POSTCODE", $postcode); } if(isset($email) && $email != '') writeHiddenField("EMAIL", $email); if(isset($description) && $description != '') writeHiddenField("DESCRIPTION", $description); if(isset($autoReady) && $autoReady != '') writeHiddenField("AUTOREADY", $autoReady); writeHiddenField("RECEIPTPAGEURL", $receiptPageURL); if($validationURL != '') writeHiddenField("VALIDATIONURL", $validationURL); writeHiddenField("HASH", $requestHash); # You can also include any other custom fields here. Their contents will for included in the response POST to the receipt page. # writeHiddenField("Customer ID", '32856951'); # Write the JavaScript that will submit the form to Nuvei. echo '</form>Submitting order to Nuvei for Payment...<script language="JavaScript">document.getElementById("nuveiform").submit();</script></body></html>'; //var_dump(get_defined_vars()); ?>
Receipt page (nuvei_receipt_page.php):
<?php # This is the file that contains the account settings for Nuvei. require(''); # This is a helper file for integrating to the Nuvei HPP in PHP. require(''); if(authResponseHashIsValid($_REQUEST["ORDERID"], $_REQUEST["AMOUNT"], $_REQUEST["DATETIME"], $_REQUEST["RESPONSECODE"], $_REQUEST["RESPONSETEXT"], $_REQUEST["MERCHANTREF"], $_REQUEST["CARDREFERENCE"], $_REQUEST["CARDTYPE"], $_REQUEST["MASKEDCARDNUMBER"], $_REQUEST["CARDEXPIRY"], $_REQUEST["HASH"])) { switch($_REQUEST["RESPONSECODE"]) { case "A" : # -- If using local database, update order as Paid/Successful if($_REQUEST["ISSTORED"]="true") { # Also Store SecureCard token details: $_REQUEST["MERCHANTREF"]; # The Merchant Reference of the card stored (same as sent to us above) $_REQUEST["CARDREFERENCE"]; # The 16 digit SecureCard Card Reference used for processing payments $_REQUEST["CARDTYPE"]; $_REQUEST["MASKEDCARDNUMBER"]; $_REQUEST["CARDEXPIRY"]; echo 'Card details have been securely stored with Nuvei for future use on this site only.'; } else { echo 'Card details failed to be stored. Reason: $_REQUEST["SCERROR"].'; } echo 'Payment Processed successfully. Thanks you for your order.'; break; case "R" : case "D" : case "C" : case "S" : default : # -- If using local database, update order as declined/failed -- echo 'PAYMENT DECLINED! Please try again with another card. Bank response: ' . $_REQUEST["RESPONSETEXT"]; } } else { echo 'PAYMENT FAILED: INVALID RESPONSE HASH. Please contact <a href="mailto:' . $adminEmail . '">' . $adminEmail . '</a> or call ' . $adminPhone . ' to clarify if you will get charged for this order.'; if(isset($_REQUEST["ORDERID"])) echo 'Please quote Nuvei Terminal ID: ' . $terminalId . ', and Order ID: ' . $_REQUEST["ORDERID"] . ' when mailling or calling.'; } ?>
Helper file (
<?php # This function returns the URL that should be used as the "action" for the form posting the Nuvei's servers. function requestURL() { global $gateway, $testAccount; $url = 'https://'; if($testAccount) $url .= 'test'; switch (strtolower($gateway)) { case 'cashflows' : $url .= ''; break; case 'payius' : $url .= ''; break; default : case 'nuvei' : $url .= ''; break; } $url .= '/merchant/paymentpage'; return $url; } # This simply reduces the PHP code required to build the form. function writeHiddenField($fieldName, $fieldValue) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='" . $fieldName . "' value='" . $fieldValue . "' />\r"; } # This generates a DATETIME value in the correct format expected in the request. function requestDateTime() { return date('d-m-Y:H:i:s:000'); } # If you are not using your own Order ID's and need to use unique random ones, this function will generate one for you. function generateUniqueOrderId() { $seconds = date('H')*3600+date('i')*60+date('s'); return date('zy') . $seconds; } # This is used to generate the Authorisation Request Hash. function authRequestHash($orderId, $amount, $dateTime) { global $terminalId, $secret, $receiptPageURL, $validationURL; return md5($terminalId . $orderId . $amount . $dateTime . $receiptPageURL . $validationURL . $secret); } # This function is used to validate that the Authorisation Response Hash from the server is correct. # If authResponseHashIsValid(...) != $_REQUEST["HASH"] then an error should be shown and the transaction should not be approved. function authResponseHashIsValid($orderId, $amount, $dateTime, $responseCode, $responseText, $merchantRef, $secureCardCardRef, $cardType, $maskedCardNumber, $cardExpiry, $responseHash) { global $terminalId, $secret; return (md5($terminalId . $orderId . $amount . $dateTime . $responseCode . $responseText . $merchantRef . $secureCardCardRef . $cardType . $maskedCardNumber . $cardExpiry . $secret)==$responseHash); } ?>
Background Validation page (nuvei_validate.php):
<?php # This is the file that contains the account settings for Nuvei. require(''); # This is a helper file for intgerating to the Nuvei HPP in PHP. require(''); if(authResponseHashIsValid($_REQUEST["ORDERID"], $_REQUEST["AMOUNT"], $_REQUEST["DATETIME"], $_REQUEST["RESPONSECODE"], $_REQUEST["RESPONSETEXT"], $_REQUEST["MERCHANTREF"], $_REQUEST["CARDREFERENCE"], $_REQUEST["CARDTYPE"], $_REQUEST["MASKEDCARDNUMBER"], $_REQUEST["CARDEXPIRY"], $_REQUEST["HASH"])){ if() { switch($_REQUEST["RESPONSECODE"]) { case "A" : # -- Update order in database as paid/sucessful if($_REQUEST["ISSTORED"]="true") { # Also Store SecureCard token details: $_REQUEST["MERCHANTREF"]; # The Merchant Reference of the card stored (same as sent to us above) $_REQUEST["CARDREFERENCE"]; # The 16 digit SecureCard Card Reference used for processing payments $_REQUEST["CARDTYPE"]; $_REQUEST["MASKEDCARDNUMBER"]; $_REQUEST["CARDEXPIRY"]; } echo 'OK'; break; case "R" : case "D" : case "C" : default : # -- Update order in database as declined/failed -- echo 'OK'; } } else { echo 'Order ID: ' . $_REQUEST["ORDERID"] . ' not found in database.'; } } else { echo 'Background validation hash incorrect.'; } ?>