====== API Specification ====== ~~TOC~~ \\ Welcome to the API Specification. Here you will find all necessary information to help you understand your integration to our Payment gateway. ===== Things You Should Know First ===== \\ This section helps you to understand the elements for your solution's integration such as which integration method to use, how to configure your account to perform each integration, how to use the custom fields, how to calculate the hash parameters of requests and responses, etc.
HASH Calculation, Card Types, Custom Fields, Dynamic Descriptors, Multi-currency Terminal ID, Signature Field
Specific response codes and messages which may be returned in different features...
A longer and more detailed explanation of how this important mechanism works...
Payment and pre-authorization
Checks the transaction
Payment using Apple Pay technology
Payment using Google Pay technology
Secure token registration and update
Subscription and stored subscription registration
Large payment file submission and result request
Payment, pre-auth, pre-auth completion, refund, unreferenced refund, transaction status update, and more...
Payment using Apple Pay technology
Payment using Google Pay technology
Management of eInvoices. Create, cancel, retreive links and send them to customers.
Verification of card accounts' validity
Secure token registration, update, delete, consult and search
Stored subscription registration, update and delete
Subscription registration, update, delete and pay
Subscription notification
3D Secure transaction check
Consult terminals' configurations