Pay By Link

The Pay by Link provides merchants with the ability to create and send links to request payments from customers. The merchant pre-configures a payment informing the basic details and the elements that should appear on the customer's notification, identifies the customer and then the merchant can send an e-mail using the SelfCare system, or manually by its own means.

The Merchant needs to have a terminal configured to work with Hosted Payment Pages. Only terminals with this configuration enabled will allow the use of the Pay by Link feature.

Sample Pay by Link window:

Create payment link

Understanding the fields:

Send Pay-by-Link

Understanding the fields:

If the user desires, the Pay Now Button is a functional fragment of HTML which can be used to any e-mail body to generate a button to redirect to the final payment page for the customer. Also, the Pay Now URL can be used for the same situation.

In case the user does not desire or can't provide by itself the e-mail, the SEND button can be used to send the e-mail, as presented on the E-mail Preview.